German Chancellor Merkel Greek Prime Minister Papandreou and French President Sarkozy attend a meeting in Brussels

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (C), Greece’s Prime Minister George Papandreou (L) and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy (R) attend a meeting in Brussels July 21, 2011

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (C), Greece’s Prime Minister George Papandreou (L) and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy (R) attend a meeting in Brussels July 21, 2011. Euro zone leaders were set to give their financial rescue fund sweeping new powers to prevent contagion and help Greece overcome its debt crisis, according to the draft conclusions of an emergency summit on Thursday. The leaders met in Brussels after the European Central Bank signalled in a policy reversal that is now willing to let Greece default temporarily under a crisis response that would involve a bond buyback, a debt swap but no new tax on banks. REUTERS/Bundesregierung/Steffen Kugler/Pool (BELGIUM – Tags: BUSINESS POLITICS) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

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