Fukushima-Luege – Brief an UN

„Als Folge des Atomunfalls von Fukushima werden nach UN-Einschätzung weder Menschen sterben noch vermehrt an Krebs erkranken. Die Katastrophe vom März 2011 habe keine direkten Gesundheitsfolgen, heißt es in einer Untersuchung der Vereinten Nationen“, informierten die globalen Medien im Sommer 2013. Nicht hinterfragt wurde diese Meldung weltweit verbreitet – die bisher erfolgreichste Greenwash-Aktion der Atomlobby seit Jahrzehnten. „Krisenkommunikation“ wird so etwas in der Fachsprache genannt und es geht nicht um die Menschen in der Katastrophenregion, sondern um die Nach-Fukushima-Krise der globalen Atomindustrie. Am 6.10.2013 hat die japanische Regierung an Wasser-Fachleute weltweit um Hilfe gebeten – und damit erstmals direkt zugegeben, dass sie nicht weiß, wie die weiterhin tagtäglich neu anfallenden großen Mengen an radioaktiv verseuchtem Wasser je entsorgt werden können.
Wer behauptet, an den Folgen der japanischen Reaktorkatastrophe würden „weder Menschen sterben noch vermehrt an Krebs erkranken“, der lügt und schädigt das Ansehen der Vereinten Nationen! Der BUND Regionalverband Südlicher Oberrhein hat im Oktober 2013 einen Protestbrief an UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon geschrieben, dessen deutsche Übersetzung hier https://vorort.bund.net/suedlicher-oberrhein/un-fukushima.html zu finden ist. Bitte die unten wiedergegebene englische Variante dieses Briefes kopieren, in einen Brief mit Eurem Briefkopf einzufügen und ebenfalls an Herrn Ban Ki-Moon zu senden (Briefporto Deutschland – USA = 0,75 Euro). Die Vereinten Nationen sind zu wichtig, um sie der Atomlobby einfach so zu überlassen.

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To UN Secretary-General
Ban Ki-Moon
United Nations Plaza
First Avenue at 46th Street
New York NY 10017

Downplaying of the Fukushima catastrophe by the UN
August 21, 2013

Dear Mr. Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon,
We raise a complaint about the United Nations‘ purposeful downplaying of the Fukushima disaster and about the increasing influence of the nuclear industry lobby on your organization which we highly value in other respects. 

The following excerpt of a newspaper article strikingly shows the influence of the nuclear industry lobby:‘
“According to UN evaluation, people will neither die nor develop more cancers as a consequence of the Fukushima atomic accident. The catastrophe of March 2011 has no direct health consequences, states a first comprehensive examination by the United Nations”, global media reported on May 31, 2013. Further: “The assertions of the report are mainly based on calculated models, environmental measurements and partly on medical examinations of victims.” These reports were distributed world-wide without closer review and examination. This has probably been the nuclear industry lobby’s most successful green washing campaign for centuries.

Those who argue that “people will neither die nor develop more cancers as a consequence of the Fukushima atomic accident,” are telling lies.
On February 28, 2013, the nuclear-friendly World Health Organization (WHO) announced that they don’t expect a “measurable” increase of cancer risk for the general public as a consequence of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Shortly thereafter, on March 6, 2013, the nuclear-critical organization International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) stated that 20,000 to 80,000 cancer cases caused by external exposure and 18,000 to 37,000 cases caused by contaminated food are expected.
On August 20, 2013, the Fukushima investigative committee released a report that counted 18 children in the Fukushima prefecture diagnosed with thyroid cancer since the disaster, and 26 children with potentially malignant thyroid conditions. The Japanese Government revised the report on the same day to 12 cancers without mentioning the reason for the change.
The downplaying of reactor accidents is an established method within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the WHO is suppressed by agreements with the IAEA. IAEA staff is interspersed with nuclear industry lobbyists who have a strong interest in a safe and therefore smooth operation of nuclear plants on the one hand, and on the other hand are obligated to understate hazards, risks and accidents.
It is therefore not surprising that, after the catastrophes of Fukushima and Chernobyl, it became an important goal of the IAEA to prevent an economic setback for the nuclear industry. For that reason, the responsible persons in the IAEA provoke a purposeful deception of the consequences of the Fukushima disaster for health, environment and agriculture. The influential power of the nuclear industry lobby on UN organizations such as IAEA and WHO is profoundly alarming.

The United Nations are losing their trustworthiness.
The WHO’s massive dependence on the lobby organization IAEA became clear after the Chernobyl accident. Likewise, after Fukushima, it has become the main task of the IAEA to downplay and de-emphasize the reactor meltdowns. The IAEA is not an objective nuclear watchdog, rather it’s a skillfully disguised organization of the nuclear industry inside the UN that massively influences the WHO.
Therefore, we request from you to retrieve the credibility of the UN and assert your influence against the power of the nuclear industry.
For this reason, the oppressive agreement ”WHA 12-40” of 1959 between the IAEA and WHO concerning nuclear health consequences should be voided.


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